(Extra Daughter = 12 year old niece!!!)
An Attempt to Survive My Daughters' Education
(Extra Daughter = 12 year old niece!!!)
He takes a picture while I sleep....zzzzz
During the day we find places to have adventures! This is #1 about two years ago - she's looking for the queen bee!
My determined little girls are willing put their feet into the waters of Lake Michigan - Green Bay side. Still...Tres Cute!
We definitely need to have some swinging:
And the adults always enjoy fresh coffee, fresh air and fresh fudge from the local candy store! (Oh and if there's a fresh baby along, we enjoy her too)
When the weather isn't so good....
We find a place to do stuff like this:
And the days usually end Just...Like....This:
Have a great weekend!
And I know I haven't introduced #2 yet:
One Smore down - Lots to go!
Aaaaand Time's UP!
Off to brown burger for sloppy joes...Yum...
We have our own darn welcoming committee!!!
This last picture of George and Maria is from two days later - look! They have started getting their wing feathers!!! (I know it's hard to see, but it's the darkness that you can imagine is their wings - you can see the texture up close, but remember...Henrietta and George Sr. are very intimidating...)
Tomorrow we head to one of John's college friend's Dairy farm for some fun, fellowship, and HOMEMADE ICE CREAM with fresh milk! Yummmmmm
Many Blessings!
And for a little beauty, I present you with #3:
Don't worry, #2 will make her way in here somehow....just not today!
The next row from left to right, from lower to upper is a singular marigold, followed by the next row being 3 marigolds! (Isn't this exciting!?) The next row is cherry tomato, marigold and cilantro; final row: chives, basil, chives. The radishes were planted from seed in the other half of the box garden. There is a row of radishes, a row of green onions, a row of bush-snap green beans and along the edges are flat leaf parsley and curly parsley. Whew! I'm exhausted! (not really - it's a very small garden)
By the way, here is #1:
She is wonderful...